Doctor Scott finally crossed the immense dune he’d been chasing. A single tree stood alone at the bottom of the dune.




The doctor inserted his extractor at the base of the root. He was beyond parched.


Sand bubbled, then began to fall until a hand birthed from beneath the dunes. A dry man accompanied the hand, followed by another hand accompanied by another dry man.


“Gods be praised, I’d thought no-one would come”
“Last night you cursed the Gods for sending. What was it that you scourned? The final storm?”
“When the final storm comes we’ll all become true believers. Besides, what kind of storm brings no water?”
“It seems this wayward traveler here carries it all” The Thief said, drawing a blade from his waist.


Doctor Scott took a step back but was halted by the tree.
“It's him or us!”The armed bandit screeched, driving the point of the blade towards the doctor's gut. Turning, the doctor caught the edge of the blade horizontally along his naval in a spray of blood. The next cut caught his pack. Spilling the contents out onto the sands. He dove for a scalpel to defend himself, but when he turned over the thief was curving the blade in a murderous arch aimed for his skull. Doctor Scott bent his head out of the way and reached his arms out. The thief sunk into the scalpel while a red gloss began to coat his hands.
Hovering above doctor scott until he collapsed on top of him, dying.
“Jaleel! Brother!” Tears would have pooled the man’s eyes had he the water ”You’ll pay for that old man!” 


One look at his face and Doctor Scott understood the debt owed. He started to get up but hadn’t the strength to move Jaleel. 


For the first time in his life Doctor Scott began praying and just as the dagger raised, rain began to fall.

Working hard with coding, web graphics, video motion, pizza eating and drinking juice!